Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Can we do it? Yes, we can!

I've been sitting here reading different blogs and message boards all morning and one thought keeps running through my mind. We have a black President. We have a black President. We have a black President! I certainly expected it sometime in my life span but for some reason I just didn't expect it this year and I wasn't really emotionally prepared. I've been searching my feelings and I trying to decide if I'm excited because he's black or because he's just such an awesome guy. Would I be this excited if he was a white guy? I never knew who this Barak Obama person was before September. I have never followed politics in the past but when I learned who the Republicans picked for their VP I started sitting up and taking notice of both sides. My first and continued reaction to the choice of Sarah Palin was one of utter disbelief. I remember thinking... What? Are they crazy? They must be desperate. So then I decided to find out why they were so afraid of this 'Muslim' from Hawaii.

Who is Barak Obama? What I found out is this... Obama is intense. He is intelligent. He is determined. He is calm. He is serious. He is strong. He is impressive. He is classy. He is respectful. He is humble. He is believable. He is caring. He is compassionate. He is dedicated. He is hopeful. He is freedom. He is liberty. He is black. He is white. He is American!

I think I'm fairly typical of most Americans. We don't know all the issues when it comes to politics but we know what we like. I'm not black. I'm not even a man but I feel like Obama is someone who can relate to me. I get no such feelings from McCain. He comes across as a grumpy old man who thinks he knows what Americans need. But he doesn't really have a clue. If you have to tell people you're a maverick then you are NOT one. People who inspire others don't point fingers and call names. Why would anyone want him to be their leader?

So, in retrospect I believe Obama's being bi-racial certainly played a role in who he is but would I be just as pleased with him if he was only white? Sure. But I'm thrilled that my children get to witness this historic moment at a young age. I'm excited that we're making progress. My kids will live in a era where people really are created equal. America decided that picking a young half black man named Hussein was a better choice than picking a backbiting, conservative, old republican "maverick". I am disappointed because so many people still voted for McSame/Falin. I know, baby steps.


Margaret said...

Well-said, Sandi. I was relieved and excited. Alison called from WWU and she was delighted with the news. So was my 80 year old dad who didn't think he would live to see this historic event.

Anonymous said...

I don't see President-Elect Obama as black or white. I see him as the best leader for the country at this time. I am hopefull that as time goes by, others too will see people as individuals, not as an indiviual of _____ color.